We have made considerable efforts to achieve compliance with all relevant regulations. As a medical clinic with medical experts on staff and sound advice from multiple law firms, we are in a unique position to be able to abide by the complex series of regulations relevant to our prevention and treatment programs.
General Legal
The medical opinions presented on this website are opinions of our personnel, based on years of experience treating cancer patients and based on independent scientific evidence published in respected medical journals. These opinions may not be widely accepted by cancer “experts”, and may be considered “unproven” because many doctors and researchers demand an even higher level of evidence than what is available today.
This website was created for educational purposes, to display scientific information and medical research to the public about various products that we believe are important in the fight against cancer. It is not an advertisement for any particular product and is not intended to promote any particular product, but only to educate the public. The web store component of this website is also not intended or designed to promote any particular product, but is provided as a convenience for the public and our patients to obtain quality products from one location. There is no requirement to purchase any product from us, nor is this the only place where such products can be obtained.
Prescription drugs are dispensed to our own patients only.